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9:30 AM | Sunday School

10:45 AM | Covenantal Worship


7:00 PM | Bible Study

Evangelism and Missions:

Learn of the adventures we are having!

God is calling His people to worship Himself alone!

“But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.”

Jesus Christ

John 4:23


What is a kirk?

Kirk is simply the Scottish word for church. The word church is derived from the Greek meaning, "Belonging to the Lord." We are not our own. Our God has created us and called us to Himself. Because of the joy that overflows from this stunning reality, we gladly give back to Him the praise and the glory He deserves. We worship every Sunday as families, for God calls both young and old to serve Him wholeheartedly. 
Come and join us!


We Are

We are sinners saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone seeking to glorify God alone. 

We are growing in our love for God and for one another through His Word.

We are a visible expression of the invisible church that Jesus Himself is building, against which the wickedness of this world cannot stand.

We are families and friends united with one another in Christ by God, through God, and to God.

We are looking for those whom God is calling to live their lives according to His standards rather than their own.

We are overjoyed to have you join us!


We Do

All human beings have been created to worship, so we worship the One, True God according to the standard and pattern He has established and ordained.

Jesus commands His disciples in the Great Commission to make disciples, and discipleship happens by going, teaching, and baptizing into God Himself according to the terms of the covenant of grace.

The discipleship process begins with evangelism whereby we proclaim the good news of the forgiveness of sins, repeating the commands to repent and believe.  As this happens, God calls His sheep into His church, for His sheep hear His voice.

Everything listed above can and should become a part of each person's daily life, and we pray He is calling you to join us!

What Sets Us Apart

We are not your typical church plant!

What do you think of when you think church?  Perhaps you think of Sunday school, kids' programs, youth groups, women's and men's Bible studies. 

For Sunday mornings, perhaps you envision a set of drums, a couple guitars, some microphones, and a pastor who gets you and inspires you to do good deeds.

We are still getting started, and we are old school, but since God doesn't change we consider it wise to worship Him as He has revealed is best, for He changes us as we do!

Kirk of the Way was founded because we want to lead you to worship the one, true, and living God according to all that He has revealed, for we live by His every word! (Dt. 8:3, Mt. 4:4)

Recent Sermon

The Reformers recognized the importance of the Word of God, for God reveals the glory of His justice and His mercy through the Word alone. The sermon is about the text, and the text is about knowing God and knowing what to do in response to Him. Each sermon at Kirk of the Way is a lovingly crafted gift to show God to you. We pray you enjoy getting to know Him through His Word.

Browse Sermons

The Five Gospel Greats

1. Great God

(Rom. 11:33-36)

2. Great Fall

(Gen. 3:1-7)

3. Great Exchange

(Rom. 3:19-31)

4.  Great Call

(Acts 17:22-31)

5.  Great End

(Rev. 20:11-21:9)

These gospel greats show us:

  1. Who God is,
  2. Who we are,
  3. How all who believe are saved,
  4. The unchanging message and commands of the gospel, and
  5. The end for which God has created the world.

Jesus shows us the nature of the way into the kingdom of heaven:

“Enter through the narrow gate;
for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction,
and there are many who enter through it.
For the gate is narrow and the way is constricted that leads to life,
and there are few who find it.”
Matthew 7:13-14 (LSB)

God is one being, and each Person of the Trinity has a unique role to play in God's salvation:

All His saints are:

  1. Chosen by the Father (John 17:9)
  2. Redeemed by the Son (Romans 3:21-26)
  3. Given life and holiness by the Holy Spirit (John 6:63)

God's salvation is summarized by the Five Solas of the Protestant Reformation:

Salvation is by:

     Grace alone through

     Faith alone in
     Christ alone according to
     Scripture alone to
     God's Glory alone

God's gift of salvation culminates in eternal life, which is to know God:

"And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent."
John 17:3 (LSB)

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